Archive for July, 2010

Some More Autobiographical Work

July 31, 2010

It will take a year or two at least to complete this work, this is the opening few pages, in the manner of Dylan Thomas or Maurice O ‘ Sullivan. The most authentic auto will be written eventually in my own dialect, neither classical Welsh, nor English. The poetry however is written in classical Welsh, much of it in strict metre. The prose of the auto is interdispersed with poetry, in the ancient manner. Attached also is the second book of poetry, about 70% complete so far.



Obsolescence of the Citation System

July 31, 2010

The citation system must be regarded as obsolete in theoretical physics in view of the fact that it is restricted to an obsolete and incorrect theory. The whole paraphenalia of the academic system in standard theoretical physics has been comprehensively rejected by implication of the huge interest in ECE theory. The real time feedback system has replaced the citation system. I also had problems with Prof. Sir Granville Beynon at Aberystwyth, whose citation record is now difficult to find with a microscope. Apart from some boring lectures from him as a freshman, (not only my opinion), I met him only once, when he was personally very hostile at a reception given to me by Sir Goronwy Daniel. Again I could not say anything because it was in such vulgar bad taste, delivered in the presence of Lady Daniel, the grand daughter of Lloyd George. Sir Goronwy was very angry at Beynon, who said in a boorish way that I was too young for a D. Sc. he just said “You’re too young.” There are a few reposts, such as “so was Dylan”, or “so was Jagger”. I have never been able to see the relevance of people like Beynon to the ordinary people of Wales. So I was being told as a post doc that a) I was too young; b) should not write anything. It was the physics department of Beynon and people like him which destroyed the much superior chemistry department at Aberystwyth. It is healthier to keep clear of such academic infighting. This is actually what I tried to do by concentration on research.

Department of Chemistry at Cambridge

July 31, 2010

It is important to write truthful history, so I am embarking on a truthful autobiography. The attempts to destroy my academic career were due to a small number of individuals, nearly all of whom worked at Chemistry in Cambridge. These were Howard Purnell, Jeremy Jones and David Buckingham. There are many other problems with Cambridge – for example Swinnerton-Dyer and his wholesale destruction of small departments. The Welsh Assembly should make sure that the internal affairs of education in Wales are not interfered with. All of these people are now retired and from citation I can see little lasting impact in their work. The problems with Buckingham started when I was British Ramsay Memorial Fellow back in the seventies, when he wrote to my Ph. D. supervisor Mansel Davies to try to get Mansel to make me publish less. Instead Mansel (sometime Fellow of Peterhouse Cambridge) showed me the letter and did nothing. Later Buckingham and John Thomas asked me to go Cambridge while I was at Bangor. There again Buckingham was unhelpful and hostile, making some ethnic remarks that clearly angered John Thomas. Buckingham was pulling rank, so I could not do anything about it. Finally Buckingham was responsible for UNCC, along with Barron. The Buckingham Barron symmetry theory is completely wrong, it conflicts with the basic symmetries of physics. Howard Purnell was responsible for the closure of EDCL in Aberystwyth, and Jeremy Jones for eventually losing the EDCL and partially responsible for losing the chemistry department at Swansea. Now the Assembly is in control of education in Wales this kind of personal hostility is hopefully no longer possible. I hope that no young post doctoral will ever be subjected to this kind of treatment again. I out competed Oxford and Cambridge many times, and I do not accept the doctrine of merit by association. The contrivances at UNCC – blatantly false accusations and so on, should become a matter of an enquiry by the Governor of North Carolina. I would welcome such an enquiry. The work that UNCC destroyed, or tried to, is the one which is currently making the impact – ECE theory. The Welsh Assembly should take advice from all aspects of academia worldwide, and should ensure that all its staff are PERSONALLY fluent in the language. Replace those staff who refuse to learn the language, ensure a quota of about 75% of staff from Wales. There is plenty of talent in Wales.

The Personal Attacks

July 31, 2010

These should not have occurred of course, but this loonie fringe of academia has no influence on new thought. They did a lot of personal damage, destroying my career twice, at Aberystwyth and UNCC, and destroyed my first marriage. However I am now happily remarried and the AIAS Institute is the leading institute by accurate measures of impact. It has received three high honours of the British Government. I am still without salary, though, and since being forced to resign from UNCC in 1995, have scraped together a living while working voluntarily for science, notably new forms of energy and counter gravitation, but also many other aspects of science. I am still not allowed even to apply for academic funding in Britain. The Civil List Pension is the highest honour that can be bestowed in literature, the arts and science by the British Government, apart from Order of Merit, and is much older than the Order of Merit (O.M.). It is now meant to be an honorarium, not a real pension, and is currently two thousand pounds a year. Working from Craig Cefn Parc here has proven to be highly productive, something akin to Dylan Thomas working at Laugharne. However, the great poet Dylan Thomas (now the most popular of the twentieth century in the English language), never had to face the manic animosity and devilish cynicism which I have met with logic and the help of enlightened colleagues.

cc Welsh Assembly Government
Rt. Hon. Martin Caton M. P.

Feedback for for July 2010

July 31, 2010

As usual I send around the summary of highest quality feedback on the last day of the month before the relevant file is overwritten. This is followed up shortly by the complete feedback for the month from,, and This summary, for July 2010, is found as usual at the end of the attached 150 page overview file of roughly 1% of highest quality feedback such as universities, government departments, large corporations, military facilities, organizations and individuals. The huge complete feedback is backed up on computer and available on request. Our running twelve month total of files downloaded now exceeds one million for alone, well over two million a year for the four ECE sites,,,, This month the three talks I recorded on proved popular, the most read paper being UFT 153. The family history is also proving popular. This work has been recognized by various high honours of the British Government, and AIAS is now the world’s leading institute of physics by any measure. We use fully computerized and highly detailed measures of interest in real time. It would be possible to do a Ph. D. Thesis on the attached file alone. It is a unique record of how a paradigm shift occurs in physics, having been collected now for over six years daily. The feedback sites are prepared by the CEO of Annexa, David Burleigh. Annexa Inc. is the host company for, which I own. The site is archived continuously at the National Library of Wales (, and the British National Archives. By implication, the attached is a massive rejection of the obsolete physics known as “the standard model” and a rejection of the obsolete methods of academia. The feedback is of key importance in showing the unprecedented worldwide impact of ECE theory, 2003 to present.


Talks Popular

July 30, 2010

The three talks I recorded here with the great help of Simon Clifford were quite popular in July, they were read out like lectures. I am sure that a professional actor such as Robert Cheshire would add a lot of interest to them. The standard model is crumbling fast now, as Alex Hill pointed out yesterday. Even more revolutionary is the fact that the grip of academia and the institute of physics in Bristol has dissolved into the sand.

Large Number of University Visits

July 30, 2010

Despite it being sleepy summer time and the academic vacation in the northern hemisphere, there are a large number of US and British university visits this July, and similarly for Europe and the rest of the world. I will be taking the stats as usual tomorrow, the last day of the month.

Discovery of the Ogof yr Esgyrn Cave System

July 30, 2010

My uncle Raymond Evans informed me today that my father Edward Ivor Evans and himself took part in the discovery of the Ogof yr Esgyrn cave system in around 1939 or 1940. At that time Raymond was about seven years old and Edward Ivor about 18 years old. They helped excavate the contents of the cave, which were stored in a nearby inn. This was a major discovery and Ogof yr Esgyrn appears on many websites. They were cousins of Tommy and Jeff Morgan who discovered the Dan yr Ogof cave system in 1912. These two caves are now known to be part of an enormous underground system.

155(2): Equivalence of Minimal Prescription and Metrical Method for Coulomb Law

July 30, 2010

This notes shows that the metrical method and minimal prescription are equivalent when the Coulomb law is derived from spacetime. The quantities, H, E, L and p are conserved. Exactly parallel considerations obtain for the Newton law. This method also gives relativistic corrections to the Coulomb law.


155(1) : Conservation of Energy, Momentum and Angular Momentum in Metric Theory

July 30, 2010

To begin the three author paper 155 on conservation of energy / momentum / charge / current density it is shown straightforwardly that all metric based theories conserve H, E, L and p. In note 155(2) the analysis will be extended to the Newton and Coulomb laws, and mixed law. So all the laws of physics derive from spacetime with conservation of energy, momentum, charge density, current density, and other conserved quantities of elementary particle theory. In the vacuum, note carefully that H, E, p and L all vanish in general relativity. ECE theory in all forms always conserves H, E, p, and L, and also charge /current density and so forth. This has been proven in many ways and this note gives a particularly easy way to see this result. No aspect of ECE involves “perpetual motion”.
