Archive for the ‘asott2’ Category

438(4): New m Theory of the Capture of a Photon of Mass m by an Object of Mass M

April 29, 2019

This theory uses the same set of equations as for the dark star dynamics of the previous note, under the conditions (5) and (6). The conventional theory of light deflection is given in the Newtonian limit, and the by now well known limit of transforming the Newtonian result to the experimental result, without using the Einstein field equation. Light deflection in m theory was developed in UFT419, but the aim of this note is to use the full set of equations available, because the results of 438(3) are so interesting and startlingly original. Clearly, when a photon approaches a dark star it will be captured, and not just deflected. After being captured it is permanently trapped. In the usual theory of light grazing an object of mass M the hyperbolic trajectory is slightly deflected. There is a need to compute all the conic section orbits from m theory: ellipse, circle, hyperbola and parabola. To date only the ellipse has been considered.


UFT88 Consulted Again at Imperial College London

April 29, 2019

Imperial is ranked 8 in the world by QS, 9 by Times, 24 by Shanghai and 59 by Webometrics. It was chartered in 1907 and has a 7.51% acceptance rate. There is a well established ECE School of Thought at Imperial, there have been many consultations over the past fifteen years. UFT88 has been read many times from Imperial. It has probably been read many more times by staff and students using private computers which cannot be identified. Hinshelwood, Salam, Fleming, Blackett, Higgs, and Thomas Huxley are a few of those associated with Imperial. UFT88 is read frequently at the best universities in the world, and Imperial is one of those. UFT88 is so popular because it corrects the geometry on which the Einstein field equation is based, the 1902 second Bianchi identity (Caroll online notes). UFT88 gradually developed into the JCE identity of UFT313. This is completely different from the second Bianchi identity, so the Einstein field equation cannot be correct. In consequence the predictions of the Einstein field equation begin to go wildly wrong when tested rigorously enough, and it has been replaced by the powerful m theory. For example the Einstein field equation fails completely to give the velocity curve of a whirlpool galaxy and is wrong by an order of magnitude when considering the precession of the S2 star system. Horst Eckardt, Douglas Lindstrom myself have shown in many ways that torsion modifies geometry extensively. For example in chapter one of “Principles of ECE”. The establishment of standard physics is implicitly heavily criticized for failing to admit that the Einstein theory is obsolete. One academic was obliged to apologize after his gutter abuse of the leading scholar Stephen Crothers was reported in a newspaper. The obsolete establishment is quilty of rigging wikipedia against ECE theory, and its fringe elements are guilty of outright abuse. In consequence physics has become democratic in nature and there is no longer an anthropomorphic establishment, there is Nature.


Plans for the Rest of UFT438

April 29, 2019

These are to define the equations of motion of m theory for a photon of very tiny but identically non-zero mass in the vicinity of an object M. As M becomes very large an entirely new and original theory can be worked out of how a photon is captured by a dark star. It would be very interesting to see what happens at the event horizon.

Daily Webalizer Report 27/4/19

April 29, 2019

The equivalent of 347,230 printed papers was downloaded (1.266 gigabytes) from 2,749 memory files downloaded (hits) and 414 distinct visits each averaging 6.0 memory pages and 13 minutes, printed pages to hits ratio 126,31, top referrals total 2,699,683, 55.3% spiders mainly from Amazon, Baidu, Google, and MSN. Apple Inc. spidering; Sony Network Communications Japan general; Internet Census general; Imperial College London UFT88. Intense interest all sectors, webalizer file attached.

UFT88 Read Again at the University of Copenhagen

April 28, 2019

Copenhagen is ranked 29 in the world by Shanghai, 73 by QS, 79 by webometrics and 116 by Times. It was founded in 1479 and has over forty thousand students. There is an ECE School of Thought there, the filtered statistics section of record many visits over fifteen years daily. Notable Alumni include Tycho Brahe, Niels Bohr and Aage Bohr. UFT88 is the classic refutation of the Einstein field equation through use of torsion. UFT88 gradually reached its final form in UFT313, the JCE identity or second Bianchi identity corrected for torsion. The Einstein field equation is based directly on the torsionless second Bianchi identity, so is completely incorrect. This is a fact of geometry which has gradually gained complete acceptance without any reference to the standard model establishment. UFT88 and its acceptance as recorded in the attached survey is the best antidote to the media noise about black holes, because black holes are inferred from the completely incorrect Einstein field equation. I can record only public domain URL’s but other scientometric data such as the monthly reports show that the attached amounts to only about 5% of the total interest. It is seen that the interest exists in the best universities in the world.


Daily Weblogs Report 26/4/19

April 28, 2019

The equivalent of 968,533 printed pages was downloaded (3.355 gigabytes) from 3,857 downloaded memory files (hits) and 384 distinct visits each averaging 8.4 memory pages and 10 minutes, printed pages to hits ratio 251.11, top referrals total 2,699,498, 70.3% spiders mainly from Amazon, Baidu, Google and MSN. Apple Inc. spidering; German Aerospace Center general; University of Copenhagen UFT88; College of Information Sciences and Technology Pennsylvania State University UFT5; University of Nice UFT43; School of Physics and Astronomy University of Glasgow Citations from Google Scholar; British Library Complete Site Download. Intense interest all sectors, webalizer file attached.

Beware of Media Propaganda

April 27, 2019

I will remind the readership regularly to ignore half witted media propaganda, which is easy to post these days without any control. It saturates the media with crass rubbish, making a pig’s breakfast out of physics. John Michell could not have inferred black holes because he used Newtonian theory. It sometimes gets right historical facts, for example that Michell’s visitors included Benjamin Franklin and Joseph Priestley, but persists in attributing to him black hole theory. A casual glance at Carroll’s online notes will show that black hole theory is based on the Einstein field equation, now thoroughly obsolete. The m theory is a new and powerful theory. UFT88 is alone sufficient to shred the Einsteinian dogma.

Detailed Trajectory of a Photon in m Theory

April 27, 2019

Many thanks. To give a rough first answer to the question on why a central mass evolves, these data show that a mass m is captured by a dark star, so over time the mass of the dark star becomes larger and larger as it captures more and more objects. It is possible to use the same set of equations to study the trajectory of a photon of mass m captured by a dark star, or in orbit around a smaller mass M than that of a dark star. In the next note I will develop the theory of the trajectory of a photon of mass m in the vicinity of a dark star of mass M. In that problem m << M, for any M. Horst’s code is so powerful that it can be applied to any problem with the production of many new results. The standard dogmatists have not advanced in fifty years. In fact, according to Hawking’s rejection of black holes in 2013 / 2014, they have gone backwards. The photon mass m is very tiny but as I showed in 1991 with the discovery of the B(3) field, is identically non zero. Vigier pointed out the connection between B(3) and photon mass.

Fascinating results – congratulations both!!

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

Graphics for Dark Star Theory

April 27, 2019

These results are full of new information that is not available in any other theory, and are excellently presented by co author Horst Eckardt in such a way as to show what happens when the central mass becomes very large, but not infinite. I think that Rev. John Michell would have been astounded by these results if they were available in 1783, so would his colleagues Henry Cavendish and Benjamin Franklin, and in an earlier era Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz. The m theory is based on the most general spherically symmetric space and produces wholly unexpected and original results, without restricting the m function to 1 – r0 / r (Einstein result). The rosetta orbits are indicative of a large precession, and finally m fuses with M. Of particular interest is the analysis of the event horizon in m theory. The Newtonian theory gives no indication at all of the wealth of information contained in m theory. All astronomical data gathered in a futile attempt to find black holes can now be used to apply m theory to dark stars. We are now in a position where we are way out in front of the field and can produce new information of great profundity on almost any topic in astronomy and cosmology.


UFT88 Consulted at the Institute of Mathematics in Goettingen

April 27, 2019

Goettingen is ranked 216 by webometrics, 123 by Times, 197 by QS and 99 by Shanghai. It was founded in 1734 by George II, King of England, and Elector of Hanover. It has 31,500 students, and is associated with Heine, Goethe, Planck, Heisenberg, Gauss, Riemann, Dirichlet, Oppenheimer, von Neumann, Noether, Teller, Sommerfeld, Wiechert and J. P. Morgan. UFT88 is the classic refutation of the Einstein field equation by incorporating torsion into the 1902 second Bianchi identity, inferred in an era when torsion was unknown. UFT88 gradually evolved into UFT313, the JCE identity. This is completely different in structure from the second Bianchi identity so any equation of physics based on the latter is wildly incorrect. In consequence the UFT series of papers has refuted the Einstein field equation in almost a hundred ways. Crothers, Robitaille and others have also revealed major flaws in the standard model. The attached survey represents about 5% of the interest in UFT88. It has been read about fifty thousand times since it was published about a decade ago. Goettingen is a famous enlightened university.