Archive for May, 2018

More Efficient Scientometrics

May 31, 2018

Many thanks to Gareth and much appreciated. My day starts at 3.30 a.m. and it takes about four or five hours to filter the data in the early morning reports recorded on the blog and Wayback Machine. There is a rapidly increasing international interest in our work at AIAS / UPITEC. There is also a half monthly and end of month report, and Dave Burleigh has put together a vast amount of data in the filtered statistics section on So schools of ECE thought can be seen to develop in all universities, institutes and similar of any note. This is the peak of an Everest of interest because I can identify and record results from public URL’s only. I cannot identify interest from personal computers or phones or tablets, but of course the scientometrics show that it is there. The webalizer file shows that literally all our work is studied all the time, in essentially every country in the world. So ECE / ECE2 is the new physics.

Are you OK?

May 31, 2018

Very good to hear from Doug Lindstrom. I know that he copes courageously with his illness. Doug is one of the most valued members of the AIAS / UPITEC institutes and has made several original and important contributions. "Principles of ECE", PECE and PECE2 are all on a record high coming up to the end of May, So our work will make a massive permanent impact. Not many people are lucky to be able to see that in their own lifetimes. I am OK, it was just muscles tightening due to heat. A tightened calf muscle meant that I lost balance once or twice and butted the road. My overwhelming concern is to look after my wife, who is recovering rapidly. She has ordered some food to be delivered here because I can’t drive with a tightened muscle and also some tightened muscles all over the place. I can function fine but maybe could not work the break and clutch properly, so I am staying at home for a few days. My step daughter Alina and her friend Anastasia can also help, and anyone here is welcome any time. Alina graduated with an upper second and Anastasia with a first.
Subject: Re: Are you OK?
To: Myron Evans <myronevans123>
Cc: "Douglas W. Lindstrom" <dwlindstrom>

Take care of yourself Myron. I am finding the limitations of an aging body perplexing also. Bear with it I guess.Doug

On May 30, 2018, at 1:21 AM, Myron Evans <myronevans123> wrote:

OK thanks, It was pulled muscles making me lose my balance combined with not enough food. On the way back I landed up flat on my back on the road a few times and made a few craters in the tarmac – the Squire’s Craters. A doctor got me back to the house here but I could have got back on my own. I have seen many colliers with black lung staggering on the road, almost unable to breathe. My grandfather was one of them. Many thanks to Vivienne – maybe it was Ioan Richard’s wife who told her. She was a friend of Cen. My wife Larisa has been under expert preventative treatment abroad for a few months and is feeling much better. She is under medication to prevent stroke and heart attack and any stress brings on the symptoms of stroke and heart attack. I am in communication with her by skype and telephone all the time. It was not a heat stroke, just loss of balance due to a badly pulled calf muscle and other muscles, and dehydration. Tour de France bike riders have to eat a huge amount of food, and drink a large amount of fluid. In the early days of the Olympic marathon there is film of runners coming in staggering around in a Brownian motion. Try running in the early morning. I am exceedingly careful not to worry Larisa about anything and if people hadn’t seen me I would have got back home fine and never mentioned anything to anyone. My step daughter Alina would also come down to help in an emergency or one of her friends in Swansea. My main concern is to set up a Charitable Trust or find one which would carry out the terms of my Will. An example is the University of Oxford Charitable Trust.

More Efficient Scientometrics

May 31, 2018

I decided it would be much more efficient to record the filtered weblogs data every day and the filtered webalizer data every week, with the webalizer file attached everyday. This would save a lot of time for science and other activities. the scientometrics show a vast amount of permanent interest in ECE / ECE2 and the work of AIAS / UPITEC. Data are available daily over the past sixteen years so can be confidently extrapolated indefinitely into the future. So there is no further need to go through the laborious four hour filtering process every day.

Daily Report 29/5/18

May 31, 2018

The equivalent of 167,403 printed pages was downloaded (610.353 megabytes) from from 3,175 downloaded memory files (hits) and 630 distinct visits each averaging 4.2 memory pages and 9 minutes, printed pages to hits ratio 52.73, top referrals total 2,453,186, 51.4% spiders mainly from Baidu, Google, MSN and Yahoo. Collected ECE2 3926, Top ten 1324, Collected Evans / Morris 957(est) Principles of ECE 520 (on a new record high), Collected scientometrics 507, F3(Sp) 344, Collected Eckardt / Lindstrom 290, UFT88 212 (on a new record high), PECE 127 (on a new record high), Collected Proofs 132, PECE2 101 (on a new record high), Llais 65, CV 63, ADD 54, CEFE 53, UFT311 51, UFT321 50, SCI 48, UFT313 315; UFT314 38, UFT315 33, UFT316 35, UFT317 38, UFT318 53, UFT319 41, UFT320 42, UFT322 46, UFT323 53, UFT324 49, UFT325 62, UFT326 45, UFT327 44, UFT328 50, UFT329 50, UFT330 32, UFT331 45, UFT332 75, UFT333 37, UFT334 31, UFT335 39, UFT336 35, UFT337 32, UFT338 50, UFT339 43, UFT340 41, UFT341 45, UFT342 43, UFT343 42, UFT344 35, UFT345 47, UFT346 39, UFT347 43, UFT348 46, UFT349 34, UFT351 44, UFT352 44, UFT353 29, UFT354 45, UFT355 39, UFT356 36, UFT357 36, UFT358 73, UFT359 32, UFT360 36, UFT361 31, UFT362 46, UFT363 30, UFT364 90, UFT365 33, UFT366 101, UFT367 42, UFT368 41, UFT369 57, UFT370 40, UFT371 35, UFT372 35, UFT373 35, UFT374 37, UFT375 28, UFT376 32, UFT377 41, UFT378 38, UFT379 18, UFT380 18, UFT381 45, UFT382 58, UFT383 73, UFT384 24, UFT385 37, UFT386 31, UFT387 36, UFT388 36, UFT389 37, UFT390 35, UFT391 44, UFT392 58, UFT393 4, UFT394 39, UFT395 37, UFT396 48, UFT397 35, UFT398 37, UFT399 52, UFT400 50, UFT401 41, UFT402 41, UFT403 28, UFT404 41, UFT405 44, UFT406 61, UFT407 19 to date in May 2018. University of Tuebingen UFT100, CIHAM Lyon devices; Nevada Department of Education extensive, including PECE and PECE2; INFN Bologna UFT382, LCR Resonant; Technical University of Delft UFT177; Intense interest all sectors, webalizer file attached.

Daily Report 28/5/18

May 30, 2018

The equivalent of 159,826 printed pages was downloaded (582.727 megabytes) from 3,523 memory files downloaded (hits) and 561 distinct visits each averaging 5.5 memory pages and 14 minutes, printed pages to hits ratio 45.37, top referrals total 2,452,788, 52.8% spiders mainly from Baidu, Google, MSN and Yahoo. Collected ECE2 3840, Top ten 1421, Collected Evans / Morris 924(est), Principles of ECE 502(on a new record high), Collected scientometrics 487, Barddoniaeth (Collected Poetry) 362, F3(Sp) 326, Collected Eckardt / Lindstrom 279, UFT88 207 (on a new record high), Autobiography volumes one and two 191, Collected Proofs 130, MJE 115, PECE 113 (on a new record high), Evans Equations 94, PECE2 92 (on a new record high), Engineering Model 77, CEFE 51, UFT311 50, CEFE 51, UFT321 46, SCI 46, PLENR 39, UFT313, UFT314 36, UFT315 33, UFT316 33, UFT317 37, UFT318 52, UFT319 41, UFT320 40, UFT322 45, UFT323 53, UFT324 48, UFT325 61, UFT326 45, UFT327 44, UFT328 49, UFT329 50, UFT330 32, UFT331 43, UFT332 74, UFT333 36, UFT334 30, UFT335 39, UFT336 35, UFT337 30, UFT338 40, UFT339 43, UFT340 40, UFT341 41, UFT342 42, UFT343 42, UFT344 35, UFT345 45, UFT346 39, UFT347 42, UFT348 44, UFT349 34, UFT351 43, UFT352 41, UFT353 29, UFT354 45, UFT355 37, UFT356 36, UFT357 36, UFT358 39, UFT359 31, UFT360 35, UFT361 31, UFT362 56, UFT363 49, UFT364 84, UFT365 33, UFT366 92, UFT367 42, UFT368 41, UFT369 54, UFT370 40, UFT371 33, UFT372 33, UFT373 34, UFT374 37, UFT375 28, UFT376 21, UFT377 40, UFT378 38, UFT379 18, UFT380 18, UFT381 45, UFT382 56, UFT383 72, UFT384 24, UFT385 37, UFT386 31, UFT387 33, UFT388 27, UFT389 36, UFT390 34, UFT391 43, UFT392 55, UFT393 25, UFT394 39, UFT395 36, UFT396 48, UFT397 35, UFT398 33, UFT399 53, UFT400 48, UFT401 41, UFT402 41, UFT403 28, UFT404 41, UFT405 44, UFT406 61, UFT407 19 to date in My 2018. City of Winnipeg UFT papers, Wolfram cross link; Physics Charles University Prague UFT149; University of Zaragoza UFT102, UFT142. Intense interest all sectors, webalizer file attached.

407(5a) Trivial Refutation of the Schwarzschild Metric

May 30, 2018

Many thanks to Horst and Gareth for these comments. I will shortly revise and repost UFT407 along these lines. The Thomas half works through in to all aspects of classical dynamics.

Fwd: 407(5a) Trivial Refutation of the Schwarzschild Metric
To: Myron Evans <myronevans123>

This is a very remarkable refutation of the Schwarzschild metric. Eq.(15) means that the velocity is increased by a gravitational field which is consistent with (20) where phi(t) is increased by omega*t. However, according to (16), this is equivalent to an additional potential energy which makes the H atom less attracted by the earth, so this is the contrary effect.
Critical voices could object that the term 2MG/r in (15/16) is not a potential energy but an additional part of kinetic energy with inverse sign of a potential energy. This argument can easily countered by adding the potential energy term -mMG/r to the hamiltonian. Then this potential energy term cancels out with the de Sitter term, leaving the Hamiltonian unchanged. Then the effect would be a null result. In other words, a gravitational potential energy has no effect on an orbiting particle, which is a contradiction.


Am 29.05.2018 um 14:44 schrieb Myron Evans:

407(5a) Trivial Refutation of the Schwarzschild Metric

While reworking this note to correct an error found by co author Horst Eckardt I was able to show that the de Sitter theory and the obsolete Schwarzschild metric produce gravitational repulsion and not gravitational attraction. This is shown very easily in Eqs. (13) onwards by expressing the ordinary kinetic energy as the Thomas half multiplied by the rest energy. So for the first time it has been shown that the Schwarzschild metric of 1916 is trivially wrong. So EGR has been rejected by the ECE schools inside any university of note. The old Schwarzschild metric was bound to fail because its geometry is totally wrong. Similarly the metrics of big bang, black holes are totally wrong, none of them consider torsion. This had to be shown in order for progress to be made towards a better physics.

407(5a) Trivial Refutation of the Schwarzschild Metric

May 29, 2018

While reworking this note to correct an error found by co author Horst Eckardt I was able to show that the de Sitter theory and the obsolete Schwarzschild metric produce gravitational repulsion and not gravitational attraction. This is shown very easily in Eqs. (13) onwards by expressing the ordinary kinetic energy as the Thomas half multiplied by the rest energy. So for the first time it has been shown that the Schwarzschild metric of 1916 is trivially wrong. So EGR has been rejected by the ECE schools inside any university of note. The old Schwarzschild metric was bound to fail because its geometry is totally wrong. Similarly the metrics of big bang, black holes are totally wrong, none of them consider torsion. This had to be shown in order for progress to be made towards a better physics.


Note 408(3): Thomas Precession and the Exact Dirac H Atom

May 29, 2018

OK many thanks, I am working on the final version of de Sitter precession theory in H and will give the result shortly.

Daily Report Sunday 27/5/18

May 29, 2018

The equivalent of 223,426 printed pages was downloaded (814.611 megabytes) from 3,695 downloaded memory files (hits) and 574 distinct visits each averaging 5.1 memory pages and 11 minutes, printed pages to hits ratio of 60.47,top referrals total 2,452,195, 49.8% spiders mainly from Baidu, Google, MSN and Yahoo. Collected ECE2 3693, Top ten 1248, Collected Evans / Morris 891(est), Principles of ECE 501 (on a new record high) Collected scientometrics 482, Barddoniaeth (Collected Poetry) 355, F3(Sp) 317, UFT88 205 (on a new record high), Autobiography volumes one and two 187, PECE 118 (on a new record high), Evans Equations 96, PECE2 91 (on a new record high), Engineering Model 77, Llais 61, CV 60, ADD 52, UFT311 50, CEFE 50, UFT321 46, SCI 45, 83Ref 40, PLENR 36, UFT313 35, UFT314 46, UFT315 33, UFT316 33, UFT317 35, UFT318 51, UFT319 41, UFT320 38. UFT322 45, UFT323 50, UFT324 46, UFT325 60, UFT326 44, UFT327 43, UFT328 48, UFT329 49, UFT330 32, UFT331 43, UFT332 69, UFT333 36, UFT334 30, UFT335 38, UFT336 35, UFT337 30, UFT338 40, UFT339 42, UFT340 39, UFT341 40, UFT342 42, UFT343 42, UFT344 34, UFT345 47, UFT346 39, UFT347 41, UFT348 44, UFT349 32, UFT351 42, UFT352 40, UFT353 29, UFT354 44, UFT355 35, UFT356 36, UFT357 34, UFT358 38, UFT359 31, UFT360 33, UFT361 31, UFT362 43, UFT363 47, UFT364 82, UFT365 33, UFT366 91, UFT367 42, UFT368 41, UFT369 53, UFT370 39, UFT371 33, UFT372 33, UFT373 32, UFT374 37, UFT375 26, UFT376 29, UFT377 40, UFT378 38, UFT379 18, UFT380 19, UFT381 45, UFT382 53, UFT383 70, UFT384 30, UFT385 37, UFT386 30, UFT387 34, UFT388 36, UFT389 35, UFT390 33, UFT391 41, UFT392 55, UFT393 35, UFT394 38, UFT395 36, UFT396 48, UFT397 31, UFT398 32, UFT399 53, UFT400 44, UFT401 41, UFT402 30, UFT403 28, UFT404 40, UFT405 43, UFT406 61, UFT407 16 to date in May 2018. Polytechnic University of Valencia UFT368(Sp); Graduate School of Arts and Science University of Tokyo UFT142; City of Stavropol general. Intense interest all sectors, webalizer file attached

To Horst

May 28, 2018

Best wishes to your mother from all of us here! Thanks for checking 408(1) and 408(2). I will have rewrite and repost UFT407 and can see many possible refutations of the de Sitter theory because the Thomas precession occurs in so many places in H atom spectroscopy.
To Horst
To: Myron Evans <myronevans123>

Thanks, my mother is a bit infirm with her 91 years but relatively well. I will give her a visit again in about 2 weeks.
I checked the notes 408(1) and 408(2), they are o.k.
For paper 407 there seems to remain a problem with note 407(5). In eq.(4) of the note the factor c should stand in the numerator instead of denominator. This gives a much smaller term for <U_g>, it is in the order of spin-orbit coupling of H but should be detectable if it existed. Then the arguments in paper 407 had to be re-formulated a bit.
In eq.(36) a factor of 1/2 seems to be missing but the numerical value is correct.


Am 27.05.2018 um 14:09 schrieb Myron Evans:

I trust that you had a good trip,and that all is well.