162(3): Setting up the Equations for Raman Scattering

This note sets up the equations of Raman scattering with momentum conservation. The equations will be solved in a following note. It is shown that each orbital has a net non-zero linear momentum p. The centrifugal part of the potential in the H atom for example is

V (centrifugal) = p squared / (2 mu)

where mu is the reduced mass. Therefore in Raman scattering there must be conservation of momentum. This elementary fact has apparently never been considered in Raman scattering. If it is considered the theory of Raman scattering will collapse in the same way as that of the Compton effect and absorption. The theory will seem to be true from energy conservation alone, but with both energy and momentum conservation and with the de Broglie postulates, staggering self inconsistencies will appear. These inconsistencies can only be addressed with general relativity as corrected by ECE – The October Postulates. It is now known that the original general relativity of Einstein is mathematically incorrect unfortunately, but has been cured satisfactorily by ECE. So as Einstein himself wrote many times, quantum mechanics of the old type was incomplete.


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