Next Step from Paper 63

Subject: Next Step from Paper 63
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2007 09:49:05 EST

I think that the obvious next step from paper 63 would be to build a device at the US Navy in Florida using a combination of the Bedini Cole design and the circuit in paper 63. The latter is based on the spin connection resonance equations of paper 63. In other words there is now sufficient information to match theory and experiment. Horst and I wrote paper 63 with just the bare bones of information to guide us. So John Shelburne’s remarks this morning are very useful. We should see if the theory can help us get a large amount of amplification from a given circuit, i.e. to tune up the circuit. The Mexican Group has of course already achieved this brilliantly in a solid state device, which has been independently tested, but we have no details of the circuitry except that it is all solid state. To actually go ahead in this way requires the skills and valuable intuition and experience of trained electrical engineers. That is a different art from theoretical physics.

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