Carbon Dioxide does not Cause Global Warming

This is well known to real scientists, one very good summary is found on

The Westminster government has quietly dropped the entire global warming propaganda and plans more gas fired power stations, so there is no longer any need for wind turbines at all. The truth is that warming of the climate CAUSES higher carbon dioxide concentrations, not the other way around. In the geological past, e.g. 500 million years ago, carbon dioxide concentrations were twenty times higher than today ( without any catastrophic rise in temperature. There is no correlation between carbon dioxide concentration and global surface temperature. The atmosphere is not a greenhouse, it allows free flow of air, while a greenhouse is an enclosed space. There have been fraud, data laundering and misrepresentation by senior scientists and others. These must be prevented from having any further influence on society. They have already caused tremendous economic and environmental damage and are intellectually dishonest in the extreme. On 13th October this year the Daily Mail reported Met Office data showing that temperatures for the past fifteen years have been stable. This was based on data very quietly released by the Met Office, because it contradicts their scaremongering. The Met Office immediately asserted that the data, which show no warming, show warming after all, but in the future. This is a disgraceful farce. NASA data have shown recently that there is currently a dramatic cooling of the very high atmosphere due to a decrease in the sun’s activity. Climate changes in the past have been 10 to 20 times more severe than in the past century, and have occurred in as little as twenty years. The human race cannot do anything about that at all. Climate is always changing. So wind turbines were bred from scaremongering, and are useless and horribly destructive to landscape. They threaten the very basis of democracy. Finally, countries such have China have ignored the Kyoto accord and have poured sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere from coal burning (rubbishy coal, not anthracite as we have here in Wales). That has had the effect of grotesque pollution, and cooling the atmosphere with volumes of filthy smoke. So China should face condemnation from the rest of the world and people should not buy Chinese products.