Prof. Ernest J. Sternglass (born 24th Sept. 1923 in Berlin)

Ernest Sternglass is the leading expert on Einstein’s attempts at a unified field theory, he is now ninety years old and professor emeritus at Pittsburgh, famous for his anti nuclear power stance. He congratulated me warmly on my B(3) lecture at Vigier One which I helped organize in the University of North York, Toronto, in 1995, just after I had been booted out of UNCC for thinking too dangerously. UNCC was completely deconstructed in the conference, Vigier and Sternglass included. To be fair this savagery was due to Buckingham and Barron, two arrogant and wrong minded British chemists who bombarded UNCC with opiate rubbish rejected promptly by all physicists, standard ones included. Both Vigier and Sternglass had had experiences of tyranny. Sternglass’s family was Jewish and escaped the Nazi’s to the U. S. in 1938. Sternglass met Einstein in the Spring of 1947. Einstein was wearing a baggy gym suit and showed him to the back porch of his house in Princeton. There ensued a five hour conversation in German, mainly about photons. In his book, Sternglass recalls Einstein’s dislike for quantum mechanics, and his frustration at not being able to find a unified field theory. I found it (ECE theory) in 2003 with Cartan geometry and by making the daring ansatz of the B(3) field, for which I was kicked out of UNCC after being appointed for B(3). Ten years later I was given my Civil List Pension partly for B(3), and apparently received Nobel Prize nominations, for what it is worth. Einstein was very depressed and sad, his wife had died and his son was suffering from mental illness in a hospice in Zurich. Einstein felt a total failure and advised the 24 year old Sternglass to pursue physics on his own and take a “cobbler’s job”. Einstein said that he had made a mistake in going from the patent office in Bern to the University of Berlin, where he had no formal duties. He was just expected to wake up every morning and solve all the problems of the universe before brushing his teeth.”Nobody can do that” lamented Einstein. Then the Nazi’s tried to get him, as a Jew, and he barely escaped with his life, through the Netherlands, Britain and to Princeton, New Jersey where he was promptly instated as a resident half god on a bicycle, but in reality sidelined by the new quantum mechanics and its weird cult of indeterminacy. This cult has been deconstructed by Horst Eckardt and myself theoretically, and experimentally in many definitive ways by Jose Croca and his group in Lisbon University. Sternglass also rejects the Higgs boson. I remember Sternglass as a warm hearted man who was delighted by B(3). There were no objections at the conference to B(3), and UNCC was publicly condemned as being the all time low in the history of physics in the supposedly enlightened United States. Fortunately, the UNCC administration responsible for these happenings do not represent the United States. They were completely un American and had never heard of freedom of opinion.