FOR POSTING: Essay 78, The New System of Science

This is essay 78 on the immense impact of the work of AIAS over the past decade, written in the belles lettres style and influenced by Kenneth Clark and Walter Pater. The essays are available in the publication section of, and essays 77 and 78 have been posted on the blog today. The broadcasting by Robert Cheshire and translations by Alex Hill greatly add to the impact of these essays. Some are in a scientific style, some are in this belles lettres style. Every one of them makes a great impact because they are accounts of technically very difficult UFT papers. The UFT papers and papers and books by the AIAS colleagues are also by now world famous. This is no idle boasting, the scientometrics measure everything with great accuracy. H. G. Wells wrote that all artists need their work to be looked at, or words to that effect. He was a friend of my Ph. D. supervisor, Mansel Davies, a humanist when in good humour. Despite his very complicated, volatile character he was head and shoulders above all my other teachers and sometime Fellow of Peterhouse, Cambridge. My own belles lettre style reaches its peak in the strict metrical poetry in the Welsh language and other poetry. The creative mind uses what it needs.

Essay 78.docx