FOR POSTING Section 4 of paper 215 by Dr Horst Eckardt

These are important additional insights by Gareth Evans, the inverse square law can be replaced by a sum of inverse square and cube, and that sum produces the pattern discovered by Horst Eckardt by computer. In other words a lagrangian analysis produces this sum of terms from:

r = alpha / (1 + epsilon cos (x theta))

initially thought to describe a precessing ellipse, but no known to produce a variety of new orbits that can be looked for in astronomy, and on the molecular level as Gareth points out here.

In a message dated 16/04/2012 10:11:23 GMT Daylight Time, writes:

This is very interesting because, as you say, it applies generally. This is potentially more than just a new subject area and may provide important insights across many branches of physics. Nature tends to mimic itself at large and small scales (the macro and micro levels). This new physics introduces a logical consistency for the first time.

Best, Gareth