219(4): General Superposition of Orbits in a Plane

In this case the plot of R against theta is as in eq. (4), and gives the path of a combined orbital motion asumed for simplicity to be in a plane. So a plot of R against theta of this type traces out the simultaneous motion of the earth about the sun, which orbits the centre of the Milky Way. The earth year is the familiar 365.25 days, and the “sun year” in the Milky Way is about 280 million earth years. The new universal force of gravitation applies to both orbits becasue it applies to all orbits. If one orbital plane is tilted with respect to the other the analysis gets a little more difficult, and will be developed in the next note. This analysis can also be applied to the motion of any satellite around the earth which itself orbits around the sun, which itself orbits around the centre of the Milky Way and so on. Note carefully that Einsteinian general relativity, dark matter and “post Newtonian” theories are no longer used at all. Any orbit is always described by the general conical section.
